Supplemental Information, Stories, References, Photos and Research
Click here: to read The NEHGS Register Article,The Origins of Thomas Harris and William Harris of Providence, Rhode Island, by Helen Schatvet Ullmann and L. Randall Harris
Click here: to read a research paper "Thomas Harris II and his son Nicholas Harris and families" by Helen S. Ullmann
Click here: for additional research has extended the Harris line back several generations prior to Thomas Harris in Staplehurst, Kent.
Click here: Motivations for the ‘Great Migration’ to New England 1628-1640:the Case of the Hercules, March 1634/1635 a Dissertation by Diane Thomas 2012. This is a comprehensive study of the migration of Parnell Harris, sister to Thomas Harris I.
Click Here: for information on passengers on Hercules (1635) who joined up with John Lothrop in New England and settled in Scituate, MA. This included Parnell Harris.
Click Here: For more information on passengers on the Hercules (1635) and Connections to the "Men of Kent" in New England.
Thomas Harris-Refer to His Page
Click here: to read article "The Hydes of England" and Susan Hyde, wife of William Harris is connected.
Click here: Records of Jane and daughter Anne Harris living in Providence.
Click here: Read the research concerning Thomas I and his son Thomas II and his family.
Click here: Read about the Andrew Harris siblings connection to Rev. John Lothrop's church in London in 1632. Jane, William and Thomas Harris are listed as members.
Concerning "Elizabeth" the wife of Thomas Harris I, her origins and surname, verification of her origin and ancestry has been accomplished recently (2020). Previous by NEGHS failed to verify as seen at this link. There were various accounts claiming "Leatherland", "Cutter", or "Havens" as her surname. Her surname is documented; no longer a conjecture made by Torry in his book. She migrated to New England at 17 with her older sister Ellen and brother William. Within 5 years she met and married Thomas Harris probably in Salem, MA.
Click here: To read more about Interesting connections with Northbourne and other dissident preachers, sympathetic and prominent people.
Click here: to go to Thomas Harris' descendants Nathan and Rhoda Harris of Palmyra, New York and their family.
Click here: Research Notes and summaries: "Were the Harrises Quakers?" and Click here: For more notes concerning Rhoda Lapham and her extended family as Quakers. And Click here: Farmington Purchaser’s Family Connections to Rhoda Lapham Harris, Wife of Nathan
Click here: for Rufus Harris Family Histories
Click here: for Map of Windham Township in Wyoming County from 1869
Click here: for Luzerne County vol 26, page 414, 4 January 1830 agreement to buy Sawmill in Mehophany
Click here: for transcript of agreement between William Carney and Emer Harris Luzerne County Deed Record Book, Vol 27: pages 346–347, Luzerne County Court Annex, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Click here: Windham Township Tax records listing Emer Harris and Click here: for record of purchase of 150 acres land in Luzerne Co. 1830
Click here: Warrantee Map Detail of Windham Township showing Lot 42. Emer eventually bought the lower half of this lot.

Photo of chest with two of Emer's grandsons with False Bottom Trunk.

Job Harris Family Bible Located. (Job was Nephew of Emer and Martin Harris)

Other Harris Family History Links:
Click here: for an extensive study of early New York records showing settlers by surname: Harris
Click here: Publications of the Rhode Island Historical Society, Vol. 4 Discussing Thomas Harris' Home Lot
Click here: for A Short History of Rhode Island
Click here: for the Annuls of the Town of Providence, 1832, Staples

Photo taken at Harris Limestone Quarry site.
Click Here: for History of Lime Production in LimeRock, RI by Miles Harris III