Preserved Harris
Preserved Harris, the third son of Richard Harris and Lydia King was born 15 June 1715 in Providence, Rhode Island. (1) He died 04 May 1797 in Smithfield, Rhode Island. (2,6)
He married Martha Mowry on 26 Apr 1744 in Smithfield, Providence Co., Rhode Island. (3)
She was born 1 Apr 1726, in Smithfield, Rhode Island, daughter of Uriah Mowry and Urania Paine. She died after 1774 and before 1797 and is buried at the Harris Lot, Lincoln, Providence, Rhode Island. (4)

Preserved and Martha had 9 Children
Urania Harris born 2 Apr 1745. Married Jonathon Farnum, 29 Sep 1765, Smithfield, Providence, Rhode Island. Probably died before 1794.
Israel Harris born 4 Mar 1747 and died 5 Jul 1811, Uxbridge, MA. Married Rachel, then Ruth Mussey, 19 Dec 1778, Smithfield, Providence, Rhode Island.
Rufus Harris born 23 Nov 1749 and died 30 Jun 1798 Smithfield, Providence, Rhode Island. Married Lucy Hill 1773. Died 30 May Smithfield, Providence, Rhode Island.
Lydia Harris born 8 May 1752 and died 8 Dec 1795 both in Smithfield, Providence, Rhode Island. Married Nathaniel Spaulding, 27 Oct 1774, Smithfield, Providence, Rhode Island.
Elnathan Harris born 21 Aug 1755 and died 22 Dec 1823 Smithfield, Providence, Rhode Island. Married Oliver Arnold 3 Dec 1778 in Smithfield.
Nathan Harris born 23 Mar 1758 in Smithfield, Providence, Rhode Island and died 11 Nov 1835 in Mentor, Lake, Ohio. Married Rhoda Lapham about 1780.
Jesse Harris born 6 Aug 1760 in Smithfield and died 8 June 1803 in Plainfield, Windham, CT. Married Naomi Jenkes, 1 Nov 1781, Smithfield, Providence, Rhode Island.
Martin Harris born 24 Feb 1764 in Smithfield, Providence, Rhode Island and died 6 May 1797 in cumberland, Providence, RI.
Nathaniel Harris born 9 Jan 1774 died after 1840 in Cumberland, Providence, RI. Married Mary Lovett, 16 Feb 1798, Cumberland, Providence Co., Rhode Island. Interestingly, Nathaniel name was similar to his older brother Nathan.
Preserved Harris is found on Town Records
Preserved Harris served on the Town Council from 1750 – 1773 in the Town of Smithfield, RI (8)
A 1778 Tax Record shows Preserved's estate valued at: 1 Limekiln*; 3 horses; 4 oxen; 18 horned cattle; 23 sheep/goats; 13 swine; 60 acres pasture to keep 12 cows; 10 acres of tillage; 180 bushels grain; 30 barrels cider; 20 acres mowing; 10 tons English hay; 20 tons fresh hay; 76 acres wood & waste land; total acres 166; 145.8 personal estate; 1340 real esate; rateable value 1485.8 (english pounds) (equivalent to $300,000 today). *jointly owned with other family members (not necessarily valued in the tax values.). Tax list doesn't include silver or other currency owned by Preserved. (7)
Additional Records and Notes
1 Feb 1737/8
Preserved received land from father, Richard Harris.
12 Feb 1740
Purchased land (about 100 acres) from brother, Jonathon Harris for 100 pounds.
28 Dec 1753
Purchased land (29 acres) from Daniel Willbur of Smithfield for 300 pounds.
There were 8 kilns operating in the area, and David owned two and Preserved owned one. ("Lincoln R.I. Statewide Historical Preservation Report P.L1," Rhode Island Historical Preservation Commission, 1982, p. 13).
Oct 1778
a book of assessed taxes in Smithfield listed lime kilns for Preserved, Jonathan and David Harris, with David having the highest assessment. David held 336 acres, with Preserved at 166 and Jonathan 108.
21 Dec 1791
Conveyed land (about 29 acres) to sons Rufus and Jesse to be held as tenants in common. There was no mention of lime kilns.
7 Nov 1794
His last will and testament left a separate farm to Israel and all remaining lands divided between Rufus, Jessie, and Nathaniel. Nathan, Lydia and Elnathan received money and some personal belongings. Uraniah and Martin were not mentioned, so it is assumed they had died prior.
There was no reference to lime kilns in the will.
Preserved’s Will Was Written 11 November 1794 Probated 13 May 1797 in Smithfield, Providence, Rhode Island, USA. (5)
I Preserved Harris of Smithfield in the county of Providence and State of Rhode Island etc. Yoeman, being far advanced in years, but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given unto God, and calling to mind the mortality of my body and believing it is appointed for all men to die, do make and ordane this my last will and testament, and first of all I recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and my body unto the earth from whence it came, to be entered at the discretion of my executors hereafter named, and touching such worldly estate wherewith I am possessed of I give demise dispose of the same in the manner and form following that is to say.
First: I give and bequeath unto my son Israel Harris the whole rents and profits of that farm or tract of land that I purchased of Caleb Taft lying and being in the town of Uxbridge containing by estimation about one hundred acres all contained within the bounds described in the deed from said Taft to me, for and during the term of his, the said Israel’s natural life. Provided he my said son in consideration thereof pay and discharge all my just debts, and if said Israel's present wife Rachel should live longer than my son Israel, my will is and I hereby order that she, the said Rachel shall have hold and enjoy the one full half of the profits thereof during her natural life and after their decease provided my said son Israel should die without any legitimate issue, I give and bequeath the aforesaid farm unto my three sons Rufus Harris, Jesse Harris and Nathaniel Harris to be equally divided between them and to be and remain unto them and each of their heirs and assigns forever.
Item: I give unto my son Nathan Harris one hundred silver dollars and all my wearing apparel to be paid and delivered by my executors hereafter named.
Item: I give unto my daughter Lydia Spauldin[g] ten silver dollars to be paid as of --.
Item: I give unto my daughter Elnathan Arnold and to my son Nathaniel Harris all my remaining money due to be by note or otherwise due to me at the time of my death, to be and remain equally divided between them.
Item: The remainder of my personal estate I give unto my three sons Rufus, Jesse and Nathaniel to be equally divided between them, but if my said son Nathaniel should die before he attains to the age of twenty one, and without legitimate issue his part or portion divolve unto Rufus and Jesse to be equally divided.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Nathaniel Harris all my right to the thatch bed or salt meadow and the lot of land I own in the Town of North Providence in that part called Pawtucket unto him his heirs and assigns forever.
Item: All the remainder of my real estate I give and bequeath unto my two sons namely Rufus Harris and Jesse Harris to be equally divided between them as tenants in common, to be and remain unto them and to each of them and to each of their heirs and assigns forever, provided they and each of them render and pay unto my son Nathaniel Harris the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds lawful silver money which will make in the whole three hundred pounds money as aforesaid, and on failure thereof my will is and I hereby give and bequeath the one full third part in quantity and value of the last given legacy unto my said son Nathaniel to his heirs and assigns forever. [NB?] payment to be made in one year after my decease.
Lastly, I do hereby ordain and appoint my two sons Rufus and Jesse Harris joint executors of this my last will and testament and I do hereby utterly revoke all and every other, or former, will and testament bequeath legacy and executors by me willed or named ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament.
In witness whereof, I have here unto set my hand and affixed my seal this eleventh day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four and nineteenth of American Independance.
Preserved (his X mark) Harris
Signed sealed published prounounced by the said Preserved Harris as his last will and testament in presence of us
Job Aldrich Katherine Mowry Dan Mowry
In Town Councill held in Smithfield in the County of Providence &c. ye 13th day of May 1797 the last will and testament of Preserved Harris late of Smithfield aforesaid Yoeman was laid on the board before this Council by Rufus Harris and Jesse Harris who were named executors therein, who accepted of their appointment and Job Aldrich, Katherine Mowry and Dan'l Mowry the witnesses to said will on engagement declared they saw the Testator sign and seal the same. They witnessed and at the same time that he was of disposing mind and memory at the same time. Therefore, it is voted by this council that the aforesaid will be and hereby is approved of as a lawful will and testament and is ordered recorded witness Dan'l Mowry Junr. and accordingly recorded witness Dan'l Mowry Junr Council Clerk
A true inventory etc. of Preserved Harris who departed this life May the 4th 1797. 6
Note: In this final will, Preserved did not give Nathan an equal inheritance to his other brothers. Nathan had moved away 13 years earlier and likely asked for an earlier consideration from his Father, perhaps he was given an early inheritance in cash payment which eventually allowed him to buy substantial land in western New York..
1. R.I. Genealogical Register, Vol. 3, pg. 329, Smithfield section of Greater Providence was officially not separated as a town from greater Providence until 1731.
2. RI Vital Extracts, 1636-1899, Pg. 512, Smithfield Death Records
3 Genealogy of Nicholas Harris, pg. 5.
4., Vital Records of Rhode Island CD 1500s-1900s (Family Tree Maker), R.I. Genealigical Register, Vol. 12, pg. 41,
5. Vital Records of Rhode Island CD, R.I. Genealogical Register, Vol. 13, pg. 132.
6. Old Smithfield Records, Central Falls R.I. Inventory and Probate Court Records 1769-1797-Page 545 Inventory Page 547
7. 1996 Rhode Island Roots, Smithfield 1778 Tax List, Vol. 22 : Pg. 27Journal Page
8. Extracted From History of the Town of Smithfield From Its Organization, in 1730-1 To Its Division in 1871 Compiled In Accordance With The Votes Of The Towns Of Smithfield, North Smithfield, Lincoln & Woonsocket, R. I. By Thomas Steere Providence, R.I., 1881 see:
Also see: Vital Records of Smithfield, RI. 1 vol 3 pt 6
Also see: "Some Ancestral Lines" by Raymon Myers Tingley Pg. 127 etc. FHL US/CAN Film #1321281 Item 2