CHURCH MEMBERSHIP: On 21 June 1635, “Jane Harrice” was admitted to Scituate church (NEHGR 9:279).

COMMENTS: This member of the Scituate church is almost certainly the person of the same name who was a member of Rev. John Lothrop’s church in London in 1632; in the records pertaining to that church she is linked with Thomas Harris and William Harris, although no relationship among these three people is stated (Burrage 1:323, 2:297). No further record for this immigrant has been found in New England.

It is interesting to note there are some references to Jane, Thomas and William Harris as converts to the dissenter church in London with John Lathrop as the head. He had been committed to prison but still allowed some freedom to go and come. During these years he lists more followers being added to his church group. These new converts were not necessarily prisoners, but were friends who were able to visit during these years many of the earlier members were imprisoned.

The prison experiences of Lathrop’s followers during these two years are summarized as follows:--

John Ravenscroft

Widdow Harvey

Mary Atkin

Thomas Wilson


Humphrey Bernard (Barnet)

F. Wiffield

William -------

Thomas Harris

Jane Harris

Widdow White.

Ailce (Alice) Wincop

Elizabeth Wincop.

Rebecca Wincop

6. Not one of those that were taken did recant or turne back from the truth through fear or through flattery or cunning slights, but all were the more strengthened thereby. Volume 1, page 325


About June, 1634, he (John Lathrop) was released from prison to go to New England. He was accompanied by about thirty members, among whom were, ---Samuel Howse; John Wodwin; Goodwives Woodwin, elder and younger; Widow Norton; and afterwards Robert Linel and wife, Mr and Mrs Laberton, Mrs Hammond, and Mrs Swinerton.

Burrage, Champlin. The Early English Dissenters. 1550-1641. (Cambridge,
England, 1912).

Volume 1, page 323

See further information about John Lathrop: